Our network
The ESMERA consortium, coordinated by the Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems and Automation at the University of Patras (LMS), combines partners dedicated to bringing robotics technology from the lab to the market. ESMERA links institutions that are at the forefront of European robotics technology development with innovative SMEs and industrial challenge providers. Thus, the project is elevating the connection of supply and demand in robotics to the next level.
To boost the technological development being carried by European SMEs, four robotics Competence Centres (CCs) created by widely renowned institutions have opened their doors to ESMERA. The following CCs will offer their state-of-the-art equipment and robotics expertise to the SMEs participating in ESMERA:
Additionally, three Facilitators will offer mentoring and support in developing business cases and managing the complete journey from idea to marketable product. These Facilitators are European champions in robotics and have great experience in this process themselves: